So we all believe that God is a trinity so to understand that I think if you look at his creation the mankind then it gets much easier to understand the Trinity of God.
So people say the human has three parts too. So we have the soul and the spirit and the body. So actually humans are triune beings too. So the soul is the head of a human. So the soul decides everything and the Soul does the thinking and the Soul feels the self-consciousness; that’s the soul.
And the body is the body. So whatever the soul thinks and the Soul decides to do and the body carries out the task. So that’s the body.
And we have our spirit and um I believe that God is the same too.
So our God the godhead is the soul. So our God decides everything and he thinks and then he sits on his throne in his kingdom and when he gives command, Jesus, I believe, Jesus is the body. So when he gives command then uh Jesus carries out that command just like our body. So the Bible talks about Jesus as being God’s right arm so it’s like the body, right? So also Bible says Jesus was the word of God and that word of God made all this universe. So what I believe is that God gave command to Jesus so Jesus obeyed that command and then Jesus actually created all this Earth so that’s in the Bible too. So just like our body whatever our mind decides to do then the body carries out the task so Jesus is the body that carries out all the task that’s decided by the soul of God, the godhead. So I think that’s God and Jesus who is the body of God.
And there is the holy spirit. So holy spirit is a little bit hard to understand but uh especially if you think about the human the spirit is something that’s in there somewhere but we don’t know what the spirit is doing and the people say when we speak in tongue then uh that’s uh our our spirit talking directly to God and we don’t know what the spirit is saying to God so we don’t understand it. So that’s one thing our spirit does, so other than that I don’t know what our spirit does but um when we die then our spirit is like becomes our Consciousness in the spiritual world. So our body dies and decays but the spirit remains in the spirit world. So just like that God has a spirit and uh God sits on his throne in his kingdom and Jesus came to Earth 2,000 years ago and then he carried out God’s task but he ascended to Heaven again and then now Jesus is not on the earth anymore but God’s spirit is here. So God’s spirit the Holy Spirit carries out all the Commandments of God and the Holy Spirit, he is the one who does all the ministries of God on this Earth.
So that’s how I understand the Trinity of God so I think um uh it can help you understand the Trinity of God. And one thing is that although we have Trinity but the Trinity of God is somewhat different. So all our beings like uh Triune beings the soul and the spirit and the body they are always together and uh is confined in the body but uh I think God is a little bit different.
So God was sitting on his throne but his body was on the earth so although Jesus was part of the Trinity but he can be separated not like humans. And also um Jesus is a part of Trinity too but Jesus was able to pray to God and they can talk to each other so God’s Trinity is not as restricted and confined as the humans. So people say God is omnipresent. So God can be here but he can be anywhere so God is not limited like our beings.
And also if you think about it they say God became flesh and came to Earth and I believe that actually when Jesus came to Earth Jesus was embodiment of God himself so whatever the pain he felt I think God felt it too. So when our body feels the pain then um our head the soul feels the pain too. So I think God is the one who suffered all the sufferings for us so that’s how I believe the Trinity. So godhead so sometimes people say Jesus is godhead but he’s God too but I think more specifically I believe that Jesus is God body not godhead. So godhead is the soul and he sits on the throne and um Jesus is the body of God and he carries out all the tasks decided by the godhead which is the soul of God and there’s the holy spirit so I think that’s the makeup of the Trinity of God.
So I wanted to talk about the Trinity of God today and uh in the next video I will talk about the shape or form of God. So how God looks like. I wish you blessings from the Lord.