When I decided to follow Jesus in 2004, I received a calling from God to warn about the coming Great Tribulation.
So the Great Tribulation is coming to test those Christians who hesitate to follow Jesus and repent, to test them so that when they decide to follow Jesus in the face of death and persecution then they will be saved in the Great Tribulation.
So that’s why the Great Tribulation is coming but God gave me a calling to gather all the Christians who decide to follow Jesus and repent from the sin of sexual immorality and a sin of idolatry of the cross and all the sins, and wait with them during the time of Great Tribulation for Jesus to return.
So I’ve been telling the message of warning to all the Christians. But some Christians might think that when the abomination of desolation is set up, the Great Tribulation will start, so they might think that oh when they see that cross which is the abomination of desolation, is set up in the Jerusalem Temple then I can decide to follow Jesus and then I can join this church to evacuate from the Great Tribulation.
But when you see that abomination of desolation set up then it might be too late.
Because if you think about it realistically, God put this thought in my mind that just like the time of Noah, we have to use a boat or ship to move all the saints at once to the place safety.
So before the abomination of desolation is set up, this ship has to be ready and all the things have to be prepared but at the last minute, if many Christians flock to this ministry to flee from the Great Tribulation, then if you think about it, we can’t just increase the size of the ship right away.
So by that time the right sized ship has to be prepared already. So there can be a limit as to how many Christians we can accept at that time. So that’s one of the reasons.
And also it says here, this is Revelation 3:10, “because you have kept my command to persevere I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth.”
So it says “because you have kept my command to PERSEVERE, he will keep you from the hour of trial” which is the Great Tribulation that will come upon the whole world.
So why is that? Because, to persevere means you keep your faith and your loyalty to God for a long time. So you persevere through all the temptation and keep your faith and do not fall from being born again and be corrupt again for a long time.
So to see if you’re the kind who can be trusted to serve him in the kingdom of God forever, God gives you this lifetime to serve him and to persevere through this lifetime so that God can trust you.
So God is now watching who are the ones who can persevere for a long time until the Great Tribulation comes so that he can find all those people who are trustworthy.
So to those who persevere for a long time, God is promising to them to give them an exemption from the Great Tribulation because they proved themselves to be trustworthy to persevere.
And also God wants to see if you are the kind of Christian who will work for him and endure for him for a long time.
So God gave me this calling to start a ministry to start the church that will fulfill the mission of the Philadelphia Church and we need the workers to start all the branches of the churches throughout all the world to gather all the saints.
And God gave me a vision of a cell church which will keep separating itself to a church nearby. So God needs all the workers to work for him to start these churches.
So God is giving you the chance to work for him and start this church of Philadelphia in the end time so that you can prove yourself to be trustworthy servants of God who will work for him and endure for him before the Great Tribulation comes.
So if you do that then God exempt this Philadelphia church from the Great Tribulation and gather them to a safe place to wait for Jesus alive, not persecuted and martyred in the Great Tribulation.
So I wish you blessings so that you don’t become the Christians who hesitate to follow Jesus but who will decide to follow Jesus and persevere until the Great Tribulation comes to work for him and save yourselves from this coming Great Tribulation.
I wish you blessings from the Lord.