On this channel what I’ve been saying the truth that’s in the Bible is that once somebody is born again, if that person falls away again and gets entangled in sinful lifestyle then not only he loses salvation but he cannot get back to God again and he’s totally lost forever. So I explained about that in the video called “Once born again falls away there remains no more chance for repentance”, so you can watch that video.
So some people might be afraid that if they are born again then if they fall away again then there remains no more chance they are lost forever, so some people might be afraid to be born again, but what I want to tell you is that when somebody is born again even if he sins once or twice God doesn’t let them go easily. So it’s not like if somebody sins once or twice God just throws them away.
But what happens is when somebody is born again, God tries so hard to correct him and if he starts to steer away from the path of righteousness then he can sometimes show him the heavy hand and tries to discipline. And it’s because the born again people are very rare so the born again people are very precious to God, so God tries very hard to keep them as his children.
So once you born again your path to the everlasting life in his kingdom becomes very sure and then you will not be lost very easily. And one of the the benefits of a born again person is that God teaches him about what’s sinful and what’s righteous so like there are many sins not even listed in the Bible and God teaches you once you’re born again the sins that are not even in the Bible.
So when you’re not born again it’s like you’re lost in the dark and God just leaves you abandoned and God doesn’t care if you live a sinful life; do whatever you do with your life but once you’re born again then he will guides you so you will have this great guide that guides you toward the path, toward the Everlasting Kingdom and just like Jonah; he experienced very heavy hand by God, so just like that God will try to keep you so hard as his children, so you will receive very strong guidance by God.
So actually I believe that it’ll be very hard for a born again person to fall away again unless he tries very hard to stay away from God and like willfully stay in sinful indulgence for a long time then eventually the holy spirit will leave him and he will be lost forever, but it’ll be very hard to do that. So unless you do that you will be very sure footed in your path to his kingdom. s
So I believe that there is no reason to be afraid to be born again. So it’s very important to first be born again then you will experience God who will try to correct you and guide you and protect you and try to keep you on the right path to him in his kingdom. I wish you blessings from the Lord.